There has been a MAJOR discovery in the online community. Information that was once considered "insider knowledge" for a select few...
is now available to the general public. The playing field is officially LEVELED for the average person to take advantage of and ultimately PROFIT from these RECENTLY revealed secrets! Read the entire lens BEFORE moving on (might miss something valuable). Okay that's it for the intro, I try to stay brief and straight to the point. Please feel free to comment and offer any suggestions for improvements. One last thing... welcome once again and make sure to check out ALL of the links down below (That is if you are SERIOUS).
Hot Diggity!!!
Four Underrated Marketing Strategies
After publishing this lens, I realized that something was missing, but I did not know what exactly......until. The next morning it SUDDENLY hit me. Why write an article about creative marketing for home based business owners and leave out the 'How To'. Not good. Well here it is people, four highly UNDERRATED strategies that you can use to attract like minded entrepreneurs. Furthermore, these four methods will not break the bank OR your wallet. Best of all, they are completely DUPLICATEABLE.
-Google loves Squidoo and Hubpages which results in fast first page rankings if done properly
-Both websites are FREE to join
-You can link your content to other people's content, the more links you have going to your websites, the higher you will be ranked on Google
-You have the chance to collect ROYALTIES (That's huge!)
For more DETAILS, click on the link below.
-It is also FREE to set up a YouTube channel (Although you might want to consider buying a Flip video camera for better quality videos)
-Videos can be posted on your Squidoo Lenses and Hubs which means (you guessed it), FIRST page rankings on Google
-Linking your YouTube channel to Squidoo and Hubpages will INCREASE your website traffic tenfold
For more details, click on the link below.
-Press Releases are an excellent way to generate high amounts of traffic if you are building a business on a budget
-In most cases, it is (that's right) ABSOLUTELY FREE to submit Press Releases
-There are also several INEXPENSIVE submission services that send your content to MULTIPLE directories resulting in LOTS of traffic
-You reap the awards (major traffic) for a LONG time from doing work once
For more details, go to http://www.cjsolutions.buildingonabudget.com
STRATEGY 4-Why Every Online Marketer Should Have A Blog...
-Blogs are easy to set up and maintain
-An EXCELLENT way to get an online presence and brand yourself
-Able to generate TONS of FREE traffic from search engines, social marketing websites, and other blogs WITHOUT spending alot of money
-Blogs are considered to be more credible than sales letters, advertisements, brochures, and corporate replicated websites
-Blogs add a social dynamic to your marketing which means you can publish content and visitors can comment on it by adding their feedback
-Most importantly, blogs give you the ability to build your own community of loyal readers
For more details, go to http://www.cjsolutions.buildingonabudget.com
First off for the record, let me say that these are not MY ideas originally. I am simply sharing knowledge that I learned by reading one particularly INCREDIBLE ebook. Which is why I put "For more details, go to http://www.cjsolutions.buildingonabudget.com" at the bottom of each strategy. My point is that the author of this ebook is a LEGEND in Online Marketing circles, so I give him all the credit (Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy). Furthermore, there is a FIFTH strategy not mentioned here due to it's complexity. Don't worry, it's not rocket science. I just decided to create a call to ACTION for the SERIOUS individuals who are looking to build their home based businesses faster or start one in a cost effective manner. Thanks for visiting and make sure to check out [http://www.workwithcoryjames.com] as well.
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