- Jesus' apostles were the first to encounter the dangers that sometimes accompany being a missionary. Tradition tells us that Mark was dragged through the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, for his teachings while Luke was hanged in Greece (see Reference 1). Trying to convert the natives of the New World, Catholic priests moved from Europe to the newly discovered Americas to work the indigenous populations. Constantly faced with the threat of death, some were martyred. On Feb. 19, 1812, the first American foreign missionaries embarked on a trip to Calcutta, India (see Reference 2). Today there are still organizations that send willing individuals and families to areas of the world that are not necessarily receptive to the Christian message.
- Participation in mission trips can either be short or long term. Short-term mission trips can last from a few days to a few months. These trips are often taken by church groups and youth groups. Long-term mission trips are usually considered nine months or longer. Missionaries who accept these assignments commit to an agreed amount of time and come home for furloughs every few years.
- Missionaries are currently located in Middle Eastern countries where they could be killed if their work was discovered. Being caught as a missionary in China could result in imprisonment. Mission workers in Papua New Guinea face the danger of cannibals who still live in the jungles. Areas of Indonesia openly persecute Christian believers.
- Those contemplating participating in a dangerous mission trip should consider how the trip will affect their family. Parents with children need to consider how they are going to teach their children about Christianity while also teaching them that they cannot talk about God in public. Consideration should also be given to the education of children while they are out of their home country. Families should ponder the health of family members before embarking on a mission trip. Consideration should be given to the fact that many missionary assignments are to extremely rural areas. Contemplation should be given to what the family will do in an emergency. Those who want to go by themselves to these dangerous areas should consider how lonely things can get. All who go on mission trips should consider a plan of action in case of the need to leave quickly because of unrest.
- Although some areas that are dangerous for missionaries are primitive and rural, others are not. Missionaries who live in the skyscrapers in Beijing are just as much at risk of punishment as missionaries living near nomad communities of the Middle East. Many areas that are considered dangerous for missionaries are equipped with modern conveniences and shops. Some areas have access to excellent medical care. Your assignment will determine how rural or suburban your living arrangements will be.
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