It's easier to get into debt now, than it's ever been before.
The government takes over 60% of what you earn in tax, both the obvious and the 'stealth'.
House prices, even with the recent market wobble are still out of reach of the majority of the population.
And banks and credit card firms lure you with advanced marketing techniques, and hike up interest rates just when you can least afford it.
However, there are ways of living cheaply without living miserably.
Having faced up to the difficult financial circumstances the Christmas holidays can create for us, you can support yourself with these savvy shopping and saving tips.
Remember, you can have the things that really matter, if you accept you can't have it all.
Concentrate on core items that you really want and don't waste money or effort on anything else.
Don't confuse buying the cheapest with saving money.
Quality lasts and will save you money in the long run.
Always make a list before grocery shopping and never buy anything not on the list.
also stop impulse buying when you pay for petrol, you don't need the bag of crisps, bar of chocolate or fizzy drink.
See - I'm getting you healthy too! Avoid prepacked fruit and vegetables when supermarket shopping.
there's usually too much in the prepacked bags and often some items aren't the freshest.
Bag only what you need.
Never buy from the middle shelves in supermarkets.
These are the premium items, supermarkets actually charge suppliers for that space! Items here are the supermarkets most profitable and usually the most expensive.
Look for your goods on the high and low shelves.
An old staple of frugal shopping, Never shop when you 're hungry! You can actually increase your spend by as much as 20%.
Readymeals are up to eight times more expensive than buying raw ingredients and you usually get much smaller portions.
So make the meal yourself.
See- now you get a new hobby and skill too! Buy chicken pieces with the skin on and remove it yourself.
Pre-skinned chicken portions are over twice the price.
Buy nuts from the cake making section where they are unsalted and and tend to be much cheaper.
Chop everything finely, the way Chinese do.
Both vegetables and meat go much further and you tend to use less.
It's also faster to cook smaller pieces.
Stop using shopping as a hobby or pastime.
If you have issues, they're not going to be solved by filling up your wardrobes or littering your shelves with unnecessary clothing, gadgets etc.
Deal with whatever's bothering you by facing it.
Remember you'll also have less to face as you're not adding to your bills or living in denial anymore.
So, you can feel proud of your personal growth and strength and be ready to take on whatever you're underlying problem is.
Don't fall for 'cheap' fashion.
the way to decide on an item of clothing or shoes before buying is to ask yourself, 'Can I live without this?' If you can, then you don't need it or really want it.
5 times out of 10 the answer to that question will be yes! Become a discriminating shopper.
If you come home empty handed, celebrate.
It means that your taste is so good, the shops don't have anything to satisfy your exalted standards.
When you do need a particular item, a suit, new blouse, whatever.
Shop around! Check out good quality retailers, price compare on the net and buy the best you can afford.
That way the piece will last, will wear better, fit you better and you'll wear it more often.
A great shopping investment.
Frugal but not miserable, cost conscious but not cheap.
that's the way to think when shopping in 2008.
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