Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

Gemini Relationship Tips - We Are All Alike

One of the most fun ways to get to know people is through astrology.
Even Albert Einstein, with all his scientific knowledge, said that he went to astrology when he wanted to know about people.
Each Zodiac sign has something profound to teach us about each other.
Gemini Teaches Us About Similarities Gemini teaches us if we want to know about people, we need to find the similarities between us and other people in our lives.
The only real difference between us and other people at an essence level is the qualities that we have activated in us at the present moment and those that are dormant.
Qualities are a neutral way of saying virtues which some people reject, saying that virtues belong to the realm of religion and spirituality.
By whatever name, virtues or qualities, that's how we describe people or their intrinsic worth.
Who Do You Really Admire? If you admire another person, just for a moment ask yourself, "What quality does that person have that I admire?" Then look for that same quality within you, no matter how small it is.
And if by chance, it's dormant, hidden from your view, just know by being around the person you so admire, you'll begin to mimic this quality before long, which will bring it into view.
Who Do You Just Abhor? Likewise, if you absolutely abhor something about a person, stop and ask yourself, "What part of my life do I exhibit this negative quality or vice as well?" You may not see it immediately and may even proclaim, "But I'm nothing like that.
" For example, the person might be a drug addict or an alcoholic and you do not drink or use drugs.
So righteously, you think you are not like that person at all but if you search a little deeper, you'll find you have an addiction yourself, it's just not that addiction.
It could be food, or emotional addictions such as out of control anger or jealousy, even mental addictions such as criticism or blaming others.
Why Someone Negative Is In Your Life It may be hard to get, but this person is in your life to bring to your consciousness your own negativity that you have justified.
It is so easy to see others yet so difficult to look at yourself.
That is why often you need a person really acting out a negative quality in the extreme in your life so you get really upset and frustrated.
To truly deal with this negativity you feel about the other person, you'll have to look inside to find your own similarity.
When you do admit it, then you can start to change.
You can grab hold of your negative behavior, and transform yourself, come into balance in this area of your life.
What About the Other Person? But what about the other person, what good does it do you when you are in the other person's presence? Once you realize this person was a mirror for you to discover this hidden part of yourself that you were in denial about, at least to its extent, you will feel different about the other person.
You could even have some gratitude for their mirror role in your life.
Also, you will feel compassion, as it's going to take some work for you to transform your negative behavior.
Just because you found it, doesn't mean you have overcome it.
When you do though, your vice will be transformed into a virtue or a positive quality.
From Vice to Virtue Using the same example of an addictive vice or negative quality, let's follow that through by transforming a vice to a virtue.
First, being addictive, no matter how you look at it, is being a victim; something out of your control or so you think at the beginning.
Any victim consciousness though is just the beginning stage of a positive quality, imploring you to become your own hero.
Otherwise, you'll swing to the other extreme and become a villain to yourself or others, causing harm, and could even end up killing yourself or others with your addictions.
Victim or villain are both negative qualities, the extremes, but right in the middle is the hero part of you.
And when you call on that part, you transform any negativity into a positive quality.
Transform Your Ugliness into Beauty Do not let Gemini go by without taking a pen and paper or using your computer to make a list of all the people you truly admire and those you absolutely despise.
Beauty is what you are after this astrological year, and this is the Gemini way of transforming any of your ugliness into beauty and awakening the dormant beauty in you that you are not aware of as yet.

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