Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Weider 9930 Exercise Routine

    Determining Your Goals

    • You should define your fitness goals first, as these will determine how you use the Weider 9930. If you're trying to gain muscle mass or achieve a toned physique, then you will want to progress to a point where you're using the intermediate and advanced-training split routines outlined below. A good rule of thumb for building muscle mass requires following the five-by-five training protocol, which means performing five sets of five repetitions for each exercise group at an intensity level of 80 percent of the maximum amount of weight you can lift in each exercise.

      If you're a cyclist, runner, triathlete or just seeking to increase your muscular endurance, then you will want to train accordingly. Try doing three or four sets of 12 to 20 repetitions for each exercise, focusing on compound lifts that work more than one muscle group at a time. The military press and squat are good examples. Use a weight that's difficult (though not impossible) for you to finish all the way through to the last one or two repetitions in each set.

      No matter your fitness goals, you should attempt to increase the amount of weight you use to avoid plateaus in your training. These are points at which your body no longer makes progress.

      If you plan on using the Weider 9930 to develop strength, then you should do one to three warm-up sets with a weight that is about 40 to 60% of your one-rep maximum. After completing these warm-ups, attempt to do several more sets of one to five repetitions with varied intensity, adding more weight with each set. You will also want to vary the total intensity of each workout, in order to hit new maximums in each lift over time. And focusing on compound lifts helps to develop total body strength faster than doing exercises that target only one specific muscle.

    Weider 9930 Routines for Beginners

    • If you're just getting started using the Weider 9930, you might want to spend a week becoming familiar with how the equipment works, what exercises target which muscle groups and how well and how quickly you recover from each workout.

      After a couple of weeks, you can begin performing a regimen that focuses on the entire body for every day you work out. Even if you're a beginner, you should aim for at least two of these sessions per week, eventually building up to three weekly workouts.

      For each workout, focus on compound exercises. The Weider 9930 allows you to do many of these, including the bench press, military press, seated rows, lateral pull-downs, leg presses and dips. You can start by choosing three compound exercises for the upper body and three for the lower body. Build a routine that consists of all six exercises three days per week, with a day of rest between each workout.

    Intermediate to Advanced Routines

    • Once your body has adjusted to the beginning routines, you might want to progress to intermediate and advanced workouts. A first step can involve switching to an upper-body/lower-body split routine. For this type of workout, you add more upper and lower body exercises, but do each muscle group on successive days. For instance, you can perform all of the upper-body exercises on day one, all of the lower-body exercises on day two and then take a day of rest on day three before repeating the cycle.

      If you decide to try an advanced routine, you can further split up the work performed into groupings of exercise by body part, adding more exercises into each workout. For instance, you can do exercises that work your arms and back on day one, followed by exercises that work your legs and lower body on day two, after which you perform only chest and shoulder exercises on day three. Then, after taking a day of rest, you can repeat the cycle.

      As you progress further, you can add additional exercises or more sets of each in the same amount of time by decreasing the rest time between each set, or by "super-setting" exercises, which is one exercise followed by another with no rest in between.

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