Travel & Places Latin America

Swedish Phrases Every Traveler Should Know

Part of the series The Scandinavian Languages

First, some Swedish pronunciation tips for your Swedish phrases:

Most consonants are exactly the same in Swedish as they are in English. There are some exceptions in Swedish:

j: pronounced like the "y" in "yellow"
g: pronounced like the English "g" if it is followed by an a, o, or å; pronounced like the "y" in "yellow" if followed by an e, i, ä, or ö
k: pronounced like the English "k" if it is followed by an a, o, or å; pronounced like "sh" if followed by an e, i, ä, or ö
rs: r followed by s is pronounced as "sh"

This provides a basic idea of the pronunciation of vowels:

a: pronounced like the "aw" in "claw"
e: pronounced like the "e" in "fell"
i: pronounced like the "ee" in "fleece"
o: the pronunciation falls between that of "o" in "close" and "oo" in "moose"
u: pronounced like the "oo" in "moose"
y: the pronunciation falls between that of "oo" in "moose" and "y" in "any" (the trick: shape your mouth as if you were going to say "y" but then try to say "oo")
å: the pronunciation falls between that of "o" in "close" and "o" in "pot"
ä: pronounced like the "a" in "apple"
ö: pronounced like the "u" in "full"


Swedish Greetings

Hello: Hej.

Goodbye: Adjö/Hej då.

Yes: Ja.

No: Nej.

Please: Snälla/Vänligen.

Thank you: Tack.

That's fine: Det är bra.

You are welcome: Varsågod

Excuse me (sorry): Ursäkta mig/Förlåt

Do you speak English?: Talar du engelska?

I don't understand: Jag förstår inte.

How much is it?: Hur mycket kostar den?

What's your name?: Vad heter du?

My name is …: Jag heter …


Swedish Small Talk

Where is the …?: Var finns …?

Bus stop: busshållplatsen

Train station: tågstationen

Tramstop: spårvagnshållplatsen

What time does the …leave/arrive?: Nar avgar/kommer?

Boat: båten

Bus (city): bussen

Tram: spårvagnen

Train: tåget


Swedish Signs

Entrance: ingång

Exit: utgång

No vacancies: fullt

Information: information

Open: öppen

Closed: stängd

Police station: polisstation

Rooms available: lediga rum

Toilets: toalett

Men: herrar

Women: damer


Around town

Bank: bank

City centre: centrum

… embassy: … ambassaden

my hotel: mitt hotell

market: marknaden

newsagency: nyhetsbyrå

post office: postkontoret

public telephone: offentlig telefon

public toilet: offentlig toalett

tourist office: turistinformation

what time does it open/close?: när öppnar/stänger de?

(strong) beer: starköl


Swedish Times & Dates

What time is it?: Vad ar klockan?

Today: idag

Tomorrow: imorgon

Yesterday: igår

Morning: morgonen

Afternoon: eftermiddagen

Night: natt


Monday: måndag

Tuesday: tisdag

Wednesday: onsdag

Thursday: torsdag

Friday: fredag

Saturday: lördag

Sunday: söndag


Swedish Numbers

Zero: noll

One: ett

Two: två

Three: tre

Four: fyra

Five: fem

Six: sex

Seven: sju

Eight: åtta

Nine: nio

Ten: tio

Go back to the overview The Scandinavian Languages where you can find more language tips and useful phrases for travelers!

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