- 1). Call your car loan company and ask about lowering your interest rate. A representative might be interested in lowering the interest rate on your car loan, if you simply ask and make different payment arrangements (e.g., shorten the term of your loan and pay more each month).
- 2). Pay your car loan payments consistently on time. If you can, pay your bill days before it is due. If you can prove that you are a dependable customer, the loan company may be more willing to lower your interest rate.
- 3). Improve your credit score. Individuals with a high credit score will most likely get their interest rate lowered. According to bank rate.com, good credit scores range in the mid-700s. Cars.com states that borrowers with better credit get lower rates.
- 4). Refinance your car loan. According to creditprovider.com, refinancing your car loan will provide you a lower interest rate, for a longer period of time.
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