Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Which Words Not To Include On Websites

In a recent poll taken by more than 2,000 UK computer users, Internet words like netiquette, blook, and wiki were found to be the most annoying and caused users to leave certain websites that included them. While you cant possibly know all the words that are despised by the Internet community, you should pay close attention to the keywords and phrases that are being used most often so you can increase traffic to your website by including them in your content.

Choosing the right keywords to use in web page titles and headlines is one of the most difficult steps when creating a website because they are cues that tell visitors what to expect as they are reading your content. Using the wrong words can mean the difference between making a sale or losing one.

Use these suggestions below when choosing keywords for titles and headlines.


Most people do not use slang terms when looking for information on the Internet, so they may not be an effective keyword. Including them in web page titles and headlines is not appropriate if you want a steady stream of visitors. Not only can slang be offensive, it will not reach a wide audience.


The most effective web pages have a keyword density of about 5%. Usually three or four keywords are used on one page. Only choose one keyword to use in the title and use other keywords in your headlines. By sprinkling keywords throughout, you will increase your chances of being found by web spiders. Too many keywords and your web site will be flagged as spam.


When you research the keywords to use on your website, use the most popular ones in your titles and headlines. Web spiders typically look at these first when searching for matches. Include these keywords in your content as well so web spiders will know your site is a definite match.


You should update your content with fresh keywords every month or so. Continue conducting keyword research so you will be able to include keywords that are popular on your site. Adding new content and updating titles and headlines will also keep returning customers interested in your website.

SEO is still one of the best ways to increase traffic to your site. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is through the use of keywords.

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