- To keep your teeth white, brush regularly and stay away from foods and drinks that can stain your teeth yellow.Teeth and Mouth image by Sujit Mahapatra from Fotolia.com
White teeth are a sign of youth, so it's not surprising if you'd like to keep your pearly whites, white. While age, health, and environmental issues can all contribute to stained teeth, there are many foods you can avoid to help keep them gleaming. Some of the biggest culprits include coffee and tea, tomato sauce, and even white wine. - Coffee and tea will stain your teeth over time.coffee pot image by Christopher Meder from Fotolia.com
Coffee is one of the biggest contributors to yellow, stained teeth. The dark liquid combined with the acidic nature of coffee allows stains to sink into the enamel coating your teeth. The tannins in tea, though, are just as apt to cause your teeth to turn yellow over time. Darker colored teas, like English breakfast teas or Assam teas, or more likely to stain your teeth. White and green teas are less likely to leave a permanent mark. - Avoid yellow teeth caused by soda consumption by drinking through a straw.glass of soda image by Kalani from Fotolia.com
According to Adams Dental in Madison, New Jersey, soda affects the color of your teeth because of its high acidic content. Over time, the acid in drinks like Coca-Cola wears down enamel and makes teeth more susceptible to turning yellow or dingy in color. While clear sodas such as Sprite or 7-Up do not directly stain teeth, they do wear down enamel enough to allow stains to set in. Root beer, though, is the least likely soda to cause yellow teeth, as its acidity content is low in comparison to other sodas. You can lessen your chances of enamel wear and discoloration by drinking your soda through a straw. - Both red and white wine can lead to yellow teeth.bottle wine and glasses with a wine image by mashe from Fotolia.com
Like tea, red wine contains tannins that will stain your teeth and give them a yellow color over time. The acid found in red wines also helps to erode the enamel covering your teeth, which allows oxidation and stains to set in. Surprisingly, while white wine may not stain your teeth directly like red wine, it does lead to an inordinate amount of discoloration. According to a study reported on NPR and conducted by Mark Wolff, a dentist at the New York University College of Dentistry, teeth exposed to white wine first and then black tea showed more rapid staining than teeth exposed to black tea alone. - The yellow pigment of curry will stain your teeth the same color.curry image by guy from Fotolia.com
A good rule of thumb when thinking about foods that can turn your teeth yellow is that if it stains clothing, it will likely stain teeth. Thus, spices like curry and turmeric are both guilty parties when it comes to causing yellow teeth. Avoid long-term staining by rinsing your mouth with water after eating meals that contain these spices. - The tomatoes in spaghetti sauce could cause yellow teeth.spaghetti with tomato sauce image by Alyona Burchette from Fotolia.com
Like many of the foods that turn your teeth yellow, tomatoes in spaghetti sauce contain high concentrations of acid, which lead to erosion and yellowed teeth. Spaghetti sauce isn't the only potential stainer--any tomato-based sauce can cause discoloration. - Soy sauce could cause yellow teeth if you don't take precautions.Satayspie??e image by Yvonne Bogdanski from Fotolia.com
Soy sauce is another ingredient that can stain your teeth yellow. It's very dark in color and very acidic in nature. You don't have to skimp on sprinkling it on your fried rice, though. Just make sure to eat a vegetable like spinach or lettuce before indulging in soy sauce. According to HealthyReader.com, these veggies add a protective coating to your teeth to keep the stain from becoming permanent.