Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Eco-Friendly Benefits of Keeping Rabbits

In addition to being adorable, quiet, clean and funny, pet rabbits also come with their eco-friendly benefits.
Below are some of the ways in which your pet rabbit contributes to a healthier planet.
Grow Rabbit Food Rabbits have the simplest feeding habits which enables them to live healthily on a variety of greens which you can easily grow in your own backyard or kitchen garden.
These include collard greens, romaine, dark leaf lettuce, kale, cilantro and parsley, as well as dandelion greens and flowers, otherwise regarded as weeds.
By opting to grow your pet rabbit's food yourself, you will avoid buying commercial foods whose manufacture, packaging, storing and shipping involves high energy consumption and waste production.
Natural Fertilizer Rabbit litter and droppings can be placed in a compost pile and later used in fertilizing your garden.
This is because these comprise of large quantities of nitrogen and phosphorous that flowers and fruits require for proper growth.
Buy Rabbit Food from Local Farmers Purchase the main rabbit diet staple - timothy hay and other vegetables from local farmers.
This will help to reduce carbon emissions, toxic chemicals used, as well as waste products resulting from having commercial rabbit food shipped both locally and internationally.
Rabbits Are More Eco-Friendly than Other Pets Because rabbits are comfortable simply running around the house for play, you don't have to worry about making regular trips to the dog park as you would with a pet dog.
This helps to reduce carbon emissions and gas consumption from driving your vehicle with dog in tow.
With an eco-friendly litter box, you also won't have to worry about buying dog poop bags which may further pollute the environment; nor splurge on pet shampoos, tick and flea treatments and other medications which contain toxic chemicals.

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