Business & Finance Business News

Real Greed On Display

The liberal talking point goes something like this; "Conservatives are 'greedy' because they don't want to pay taxes to help out people that we liberals decide are less fortunate and worthy of help." It is a good little talking point too, at least among fellow liberals. Every time it is uttered the lefties within earshot start their heads nodding like a precession of bobble head dolls. Greed, however, has a real definition which we must remember. That definition is, "a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed." And just for the record, selfish is defined as, "seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others." That "without regard for others" is important.

Liberals consider a business man trying to make a couple extra bucks to buy a bigger home for his family greedy even though his pursuit of his own well-being is advantageous to others like the contractor who builds homes for a living. They call those of us that are trying to squirrel away enough for a healthy retirement, and could if we were not sending thousands of dollars a year to the government for other people's retirements, greedy even though our own pursuit of our own well being benefits others who will not be required to take care of us. They remark that someone looking to buy a yacht to sail around the world is greedy despite the owner of the local the marina and all his workers where that boat will be docked at gaining an advantage and betterment from such actions. Basically for liberals anyone that they do not like that is doing anything is labeled as being greedy. Even when it is not and even when their actions help the actual well-being of others and they do have some regard for others.

Why they dislike the person they dislike is really a moot point. To be honest, they probably cannot really tell you why they dislike someone anyway above and beyond some superfluous slur. You know, slurs like they are "rich" or they benefited from "white privilege." Their dislike is never more than skin deep if even that much so.

But if you want to see real greed, people seeking their own advantage without regard for others, all you have to do is look at the liberals themselves. If you do so, you will see real greed on display almost every second of every day. Porkapalooza and the 2009 Porktacular currently winding its way through the halls of Congress seeking President Obama's desk is a prime example of this. It contains funding for everything any liberal could dream up and makes our children and grandchildren pay top dollar for every item and then some. Want to talk about real greed? It is right there in front of your face with politicians and so-called Americans are looking to concentrate their own advantage without regard for others who are going to be stuck with the bill.

And just to scare you into supporting their greed, you have their leaders out there whipping up a frenzy. You have Nancy Pelosi claiming that without their greed being satisfied, 500 million Americans will go to the soup kitchens and bread lines every month. Which means somewhere around next Wednesday we will all be without work and by the end of February alone the American economy will be employing negative 300 million workers or so. You also have President Obama actually insinuating with a straight face that without nearly a trillion dollars in pork barrel spending, political paybacks and printing presses running night and day that our economy might never recover. Really? Never? My God does Obama have so little faith in people?

For those of you that have children, look them in the eyes and explain to them exactly why greedy politicians sought over three quarters of a million of dollars was for a Frisbee golf course. That is something that I could build you for the cost of a few acres of land, a couple hundred dollars of supplies from the Home Depot and about $500 in gasoline to run a lawnmower a couple times each year. If you have grandchildren, put them on your knee and explain to them exactly why greedy people thought that they could get away with requesting half a million dollar to create a dog park; something that could be done for a couple thousand dollars in chain link fencing? And while you are looking your child in his eyes and setting your granddaughter on your knee explain to them how they will have to work extra hours in about a dozen or so years to pay off the debt that these greedy folks are going to incur because all that money for such things currently does not exist and will have to be generated by them.

It is time for the liberal, big spending, unqualified to lead us politicians and their constituents with their hands out to stop being so damn greedy. Because this real greed is destroying America and some people are starting to get more than a little miffed. You might be able to last until those children and grandchildren grow up. But judging by the things I have been seeing and hearing, I would not bet on it.

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