There used to be a saying...
That went something like 'You can't get any thing for free'.
But if you have free time...
the internet has now truly proved that wrong.
Hell just a few days ago I got some expensive video editing software for free, thanks to those who care and leave their completed programs in U-Torrent for more than a hour.
But while this is the future, old school laws still apply.
Time is money.
However if your other option is working for 8-10 dollars an hour at a nearly dead end job well that's how much your time is worth.
Therefore, while my space marketing my not be 100% free it's pretty damn cheap, and if you generate just a few targeted leads and only one converts and your selling a high ticket item, your salary just increased to 30-40 dollars an hour if not more.
Now how can you make the most out of you My Space Marketing?You know you can sign up for as many free e-mail addresses as you want.
There's Yahoo, MSN, Google, among others.
It only take an e-mail address to make a new profile and viola, you have created yet another alter ego, only you want it to be more like a clone ego than an alter ego, unless you could somehow work that into your business strategy.
Once this is done begins the actual art of My Space Marketing.
It is an art because of the recent explosion of spam, businesses and enterprises that actually have something to offer have been taken back by the new regulations of my space.
Therefore, one can only succeed in My Space Marketing by being totally disassociated with any sort of spam whatsoever.
How? You must give away information to succeed in my space marketing.
Sharing knowledge about yourself, about your philosophy, your values, and your assets is essential.
If someone receives a friend request from you and it brings them to a page where they see someone who is positive, someone who is looking to help other people they will most likely add you and if they don't, at least they won't mark you as spam.
The law of attraction is if you resonate positive information, you will attract positive people.
If you talk about valuable marketing skills, you will attract valuable marketers.
This being said put values in you're My Space Marketing profile and you will succeed in My Space Marketing.