Insurance Travel Insurance

What Exactly is Covered With Backpackers Insurance?

Backpacking always comes across as quite a carefree form of travelling.
Carrying everything you need in a backpack, the world is free for you to visit and explore as and when you choose.
The free and easy nature of backpacking requires a special kind of travel insurance, and this isn't an area you want to skip over.
Take some time to find out which is going to be the best policy for you and make sure everything that should be covered is before you set off.
Backpackers insurance policies are generally very competitive and cover a wide range of activities, but they do vary in content so make you will be covered for the activities you know you will be doing.
Certain sports and activities may only be covered up to a certain level; for example white water rafting may be included on your policy, but rapids around the world vary in how difficult and challenging they are.
Some of the more extreme ones may not be included on your policy so be sure to check you're covered before you strap your crash helmet on.
Standard policies will also generally cover you for working abroad, since this is a very common activity among backpackers, to help pay their way while they are travelling.
Not all types of work will be covered, although the most popular ones such as bar work will be.
Again, check your policy and if you are in any doubt when you are travelling give the helpline a call to see whether you are covered.
You may find that you can still buy a standard policy and purchase additional cover for certain other activities before you travel.
Most backpackers are away from home for several months at a time - possibly a year or more - and it's possible that you may want to pop back home during that time.
If you think that might be the case (perhaps you'd like to surprise everyone by arriving home on Christmas Eve for example) then you need to make sure your policy allows you to travel back home for a while should you need or want to.
Not every policy allows this.
In short it can be a good idea to make a list of things that you will definitely need to be covered for when you start searching for a suitable policy.
That way the actual search will be far easier, and you will be better placed to find the ideal policy for you.

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