Making your money go further is what it's all about in these challenging economic times.
The media is full of advice on where to find the best cheap hotels and eager holiday-makers are trawling the internet looking for that perfect bargain.
Happily, they are not being disappointed.
There are some excellent deals out there designed to tempt even the most frugal traveller.
Bagging a four star all-inclusive hotel on the Greek island of Kos for just over £13 per person per night, for example, is a deal to be pleased about.
Holiday-makers can make a saving of around £20 per night when compared with the price of similar hotels over the same period.
Using figures from the Post Office Holiday Costs Barometer 2009, over a seven night holiday that's the equivalent of three 3 course evening meals for two, including a bottle of house wine; 36 cups of coffee; or 29 bottles of lager, for the beer loving among us.
The internet is the most obvious way to track down these types of deals.
Using search terms such as 'cheap' and 'bargain' are a good start, but you can soon be overwhelmed by the millions of results you get back.
You need to be able to pick out the good from the bad.
In difficult times it's tempting to opt straightaway for the company offering a one-off bargain-basement deal.
The key to getting real value, though, is to look at their credentials.
Will they deliver what they've promised? You don't want to be stranded on a building site for two weeks or at a hotel in the middle of nowhere when the website said 'centrally located'.
If you want reliable value it's about getting to know the marketplace a bit.
A quick online search every once in a while will help you to become familiar with the key players.
Work out which ones are consistently offering the types of deal you're after so that when it comes to finding that perfect bargain hotel you know you're booking with a trusted name.
Right now is a great time to get a deal on cheap hotels that offers you real value.
Just don't feel you have to settle for less than a reputable brand and good service.
You can still get great value without compromising.
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