Dog health care is part of owning a dog.
It can be a major expense at times with some procedures being several thousand dollars.
But planning ahead can help relieve the burden, just as your own health insurance can help with your doctor bills.
Consider health insurance for your dog but when you do consider these 7 items.
What's covered? This is the basic question we all ask when looking at insurance.
With insurance for your dog, make sure you understand what is covered in the way of accidents versus illnesses.
Are routine visits and vaccinations covered and if its an option, is it worth it? I have seen plans where it just financially did not make sense to get the vaccination/well checkup option.
Be sure to check the benefits schedule.
How are payments made? Once you incur an expense, is the money sent to you or is the payment made directly to the veterinarian's office? If payment is made to the vet directly, does that mean you have to go to certain vets who accept the insurance plan?.
What's the turnaround time? How long does it take to get reimbursed for expenses? Ask about their policies and track record.
What's a pre-existing condition and how is it handled? If your dog already has a health issue, will it be covered by the policy and what will the waiting period be, if any, before its covered? 5.
How much are the deductibles? How much are any deductibles? Is there an out of pocket maximum? 6.
When is a condition a single condition? If you dog is treated for a condition and goes back for the same thing, when is that considered a new visit with a new deductible? 7.
What about major illnesses? Some companies offer different policy levels to purchase.
These more expensive options may add additional coverage for major illness, like cancer.
Is this protection worth the added cost?
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