Law & Legal & Attorney Employment & labor Law

Tennessee Salary Labor Laws

    Minimum Wage

    • Tennessee does not have any laws pertaining to salary or wage. However, employers and employees are governed by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. This means salaried employees in Tennessee must be paid an hourly rate that is at or above the federal minimum wage level. This can be calculated by dividing the employee's salary by the average number of hours the employee is expect to work in a week.

    Salary Requirements

    • Tennessee employers are required to pay salaried employees the same rate every week. While they may pay the employee more than their expected salary, they may not pay less than this amount if the employee worked the expected number of hours. This is also the case if the employee works less than the average required hours but was willing and able to work.


    • Many salaried Tennessee employees are not required to receive overtime for any hours over 40 worked during a week. This exemption applies to white-collared employees in education and other administrative fields if they receive more than $455 a week. Salaried blue-collar employees and emergency-response personnel must receive overtime under any circumstances.

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