Psoriasis symptoms are believed to be an autoimmune disease! But is it really more than that? Is yeast the actual culprit that's causing your psoriasis symptoms? Let's take a closer look! Poor hygiene causes an over production of yeast in the sweat accumulating regions of your body such as the jock areas (jock itch) and between the toes (athletes foot) resulting in systemic yeast infection.
These areas become raw and itchy and are open to infection.
What happens if this yeast infection occurs inside the body? We humans all have yeast, most in the form of Candida Albicans.
If you notice any white-stuff on your tongue first thing in the morning- you have yeast! A simple test is to spit a few times into a glass and then add some warm water- observe the strings formed over a period of say half an hour! Most of us keep our yeast cells under control by eating a healthy balanced diet and performing regular exercise.
However, if we consume the food that these yeast cells thrive on, such as, for example, sugar, cakes, bread, cheeses, alcoholic beverages made with yeast (beer, wines etc), un-boiled milk and so on, these yeast cells grow and multiply at an alarming rate.
The yeast population grows out of control and in doing so produces vast amounts of toxins creating an environment that is simply too harmful to the good friendly bacteria that we need in our bodies.
If we continue consuming these yeast friendly refined food day after day, we get a momentum shift where the yeast cells flourishes and grow hyphae that burrows deep into our gut.
This is probably how we get leaky gut syndrome in the first place.
This adverse environment also encourages the bad bacteria to get a foot-hold and they themselves start to multiply and produce toxins as well, causing the good bacteria to struggle to survive.
These parasitic yeast cells also use the good bacteria as a food source.
When this situation arises, the liver which is the main detoxifying organ in the body soon becomes overburdened trying to neutralise and make these poisons safe.
The liver can only store a certain amount of harmful toxins whilst still being able to perform its normal daily functions.
Excess, un-neutralised toxins get sent to the outer skin by the immune system which it uses as a safe outlet.
It could well be that this is how psoriasis symptoms are first formed! Now, if for example, these toxins were to be stored in an organ, it may not totally recover once the threat was over, but the skin can heal itself.
Our immune system which performs these relatively safe tasks work wonders.
As a cautionary measure, whenever you see rashes and psoriasis symptoms like skin problems that would not heal, take special note of what's going on inside your body and take a closer look at your diet.
How do I control my yeast growth to ward-off Psoriasis symptoms? If you want to control yeast growth and get rid of the bad toxin producing bacteria and get total remission for your psoriasis symptoms you have to start with your diet and some lifestyle changes right now! If you carry on as you are, it's only going to get worse.
To ward of psoriasis symptoms and keep yeast growth under control, you have to follow a proven psoriasis symptoms treatment plan that actually works.
A good psoriasis treatment plan will shift the balance of the yeast growth to favour the growth of the good friendly bacteria.
It will also encourage you to strengthen your depleted immunity system and so-doing heal your psoriasis symptoms as well.
Once your immunity system is functioning at its best your body actually heals itself.
This is the wonder of the human body that modern medicine fails to understand!
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