If you don't have a license, it may be hard for you to find insurance for your motorcycle or car.
However, it can be done.
It can be done through a good reputable insurance company also.
You can buy insurance no license required, to protect your vehicle or to allow another person to drive it.
There are many people who don't have a drivers' license for one reason or another, and they still carry insurance.
Often, it is the elderly who continue to keep a car for someone else to drive them on their errands.
They have learned that having a dedicated person driving their automobile and listed on their policy is the best way to keep their insurance active and coverage against more than just driven damages.
You want to keep your auto insured even if no one is going to be driving it.
Insurance can protect you in the case of weather-related damages and vandals at the very least.
It can even protect you from theft of the vehicle and even the possibility of damages that happen due to theft.
The best way to accomplish this is to do it one of two ways, either over the phone or via the Internet.
Either way gives you just the right amount of anonymity you need, particularly if you have to have insurance in order to get your drivers' license back.
Not every insurance company is going to ask you for a valid drivers' license number, they generally just ask who is going to drive the vehicle.
This is when it is really handy to list someone else as a driver on your policy.
As long as you have both a credit card and an operating fax machine at your disposal, you are able to buy auto insurance.
Have all of your vehicle information handy to either tell the agent or input into the computer.
Most likely they won't even ask if you have a valid drivers' license.
There are also companies that cater to people who don't have drivers' licenses.
These insurance companies understand the value of keeping a vehicle insured and are more than willing to help you get the coverage you need in order to protect yourself.
They also are generally very competitive in fees with the companies that don't do non-licensed drivers.
Finding insurance no license required may take a little bit of doing, but it can be done.
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