Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

Women and Tarot: The Alchemist"s Choice

During my long association with Tarot which I have regarded as a divination tool.
A psychic medium which helped people to delve deep inside the subconscious and search out answers far deeper and meaningful than what was at there disposal in the conscious world of five senses.
However, my interactions with few of my female students changed my perceptions.
Here is one of the many experiences that they have shared with me which could perhaps help you to find some insight into seemingly unsolvable situations.
Riya a brilliant student of fashion designing was full of hopes and aspiration the day she stepped into her first job; in a big export house.
Slowly the initial euphoria of being creative and getting recognized for the work-evaporated.
She failed to comprehend that despite putting her best efforts and hard work, no recognition came her way.
Although she used to find her created designs on the pages of company's catalogue, yet there was no mention of the same in the office.
What also used to crib her was the fact that her immediate boss was getting pay hike while her requests for the same met with frowned looks.
Tired of this constant non-recognition of work, she almost decided to quit the company.
As luck would have had, she learnt Tarot card reading and the first reading she did was of her own self and the problem of hers.
Tarot told her of deception from a female figure.
Inspired by this psychic knowledge she started hunting for answers.
What she found was amazing.
The designs that she was creating was passed on to her seniors by her immediate boss with just a replacement of her name with her name.
Armed with this knowledge, she approached the higher authorities with initial sketches and proof.
As was expected, her senior was terminated and Riya was appointed at that post.
A happy ending to a problem, which almost costed Riya, her job.
The point here that has to be appreciated is that in this face of the challenging job and home scenario, women should learn to use, some form of Divination tool, which could give them an upper hand.
The author is a renowned Tarot Card Reader and a Numerological Analyst practicing for past few years

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