This stone is a true gem with many special properties.
When I was still living in Germany, Cologne and was running my gemstone and jewelry gallery, I used to have a whole gemstones treasure corner to choose from.
I had woven baskets on the floor with tumbled "semi- precious" gemstones in it.
Many people would just sit on the floor and hold the different stones in their hand, admiring the different forms, colors and shapes the stones were in.
Those tumbled stones were inexpensive and wonderful companions to have in a pocket to carry them in your energy field or to use them for your altar or shelve at home.
They are also handy to use for meditation by placing them on your body just laying on your back relaxing into the luxurious feel of visiting your own inner sanctuary as I call it.
The inner sanctuary is that place of peace and connection with deep joy and happiness, our individual connection with the divine.
It is the place of prayer and inspiration.
When I wrote my book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul I did not include the Rose Quartz because my goal was to describe the 67 gemstones mostly used in jewelry design.
Rose Quartz is not used so much in jewelry making so it didn't make it in.
So here are some of the many enchanting, wonderful qualities of this gem.
Children admiring the Gemstones I always enjoyed watching the children in that corner of my gallery and their direct inner guidance to the stones and how fascinated and enchanted they were.
Many of them would grab the Rose Quartz and wouldn't let it go.
Sometimes their mother would buy the stone for their child and sometimes I just gave it away.
I heard many stories about children taking their gemstone to bed with them, helping them sleep.
One boy had a little stone collection and would choose every night a different stone to take to bed with him.
Rose Quartz and Babies Because of their openness and inner connection little children still have with the divine, it seems like they don't need much for balance if they are well care for.
For little babies Rose Quartz is the most precious gem to use.
If a baby is fussy and doesn't sleep well, Rose Quartz is the stone to put under their mattress.
That way there is no chance for them to swallow it and it is still in the energy field.
I would not recommend other stones for babies because it might prove to be to strong for them.
The Astrological Properties of Rose Quartz Rose Quartz is one of the most feminine stones we have.
Its astrological signature is Moon, Venus, Mars and Neptune.
Self-Love Rose Quartz is a stone for the heart and has a very sweet, gentle energy nourishing us on that deep inner level.
The loving, unconditional love of the archetypal mother is conveyed in its touch and establishes our own ability to love ourselves as who we are without judgment.
Venus adds a sense of value and self-appreciation to the self-love which is both the foundation for our ability to love others.
Love is a state of consciousness which starts inside of us and when it is achieved all out there is loved as well.
It deepens our awareness for the oneness of spirit we are all part of.
I think we all need to have Rose Quartz in our life.
I have a big chunk of it with my orchid flower and it makes a beautiful still life! And taking it with you to bed, having it under your pillow might be a good idea too.
Times of Grieve and Healing Also in hard times of grieving the loss of a loved one or challenges with your health, Rose Quartz can be your healing priestess and adding her healing touch (Neptune) to your process, helping you to keep your faith.
She is nourishing your body, heart and soul with her gentle touch; giving you hope and perseverance.
All red stones have Mars qualities.
The sweet pink of Lady Rose Quartz is a very tempered source for Mars energy.
Here Mars and Venus are in a deep communion with each other, the lover and the beloved are in balance in the heart.
Because of that Rose Quartz can help you to find that inner balance and peace in your heart in traumatic times of relationship break-up and loneliness.
An Abundant Stone Rose Quartz belongs to the group of quartz with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs' hardness scale.
It is found in abundance in many places in the world, especially in Brasil.
It is not a very expensive stone.
You can find them as chunks, tumbled nuggets, cut stones for jewelry, ornamental pieces or as necklaces.
I believe it is a friend everybody should have in their life.
I hope I have inspired you to explore with this gem and experience his magic touch for yourself.