Be wary before you purchase any slimming pills or supplements, because most of these products do more harm than good.
A brief search of the internet will reveal advertisements of various such products that claim to help you get rid of obesity in just a few weeks.
Some of them also have extra powerful versions of their medication for those special occasions when you want to get rid of your body fat quickly.
The subtle wordings used in these ads create a sense of mortification in the readers, who believe that they will be shunned by their friends and colleagues, because they are fat.
If this is not enough, the advertisement further claims that `obesity kills.
' This is what creates a sense of paranoia in the mind of the reader and they do not bother to read further.
Had they done so, they would have noticed that the ad further mentions `...
due to heart attacks...
fatal at times.
' Read between the lines and you will find how slyly the ad has been written.
It is a fact that obese men have died due to heart attacks, but on the other hand, slim persons too have died of the same cause.
Quite a number of these medications offer you a free trial for which, you just pay shipping and handling charges, through your credit card.
There have been occasions when those who have tried out the free version and have forgotten about it...
obviously, it did not work as claimed...
have found to their horror that they have been charged an extra sum of money.
These people were not careful enough to read the fine print on the website which spells out that an extra amount will be charged to the users account who do not return the product if they are not satisfied with the `free trial.
' Obviously, you shall not be charged if you purchase the product.
The catch over here is that the bottle contains one month's supply of pills and you were provided just one week's of use for free.
If you do not like it, you are supposed to return back the remaining amount.
Calculate the amount you initially paid for shipping & handling, and the amount you shall be paying for returning the product.
By the way, do you know the difference between being obese and being overweight? You should first find out your BMI (body mass index) which is calculated by dividing your body weight by your height in meters squared or BMI = {weight in kilograms/height (m2)}.
If your BMI is in the range of 25 to 29.
9 then you are simply overweight, and if it is 30 or above then you are obese.
There is no need for you to panic even if you are obese.
Visit a dietician and he or she will guide you in the correct direction regarding your food habits.
There is one thing that I could not figure out.
Why are these special herbal slimming pills that claim to cure obesity, always manufactured from the extracts of plants and berries that are only found in some deep jungles of Brazil? And assuming that they are only found in Brazil, one would expect Brazilians to be extremely slim, right? Sometimes during the 3rd quarter of 2009, the Brazilian underground railway introduced large blue seats on both their trains and platforms.
These seats are nearly double the size of a normal seat and can bear 250kg.
Approximately 13.
5% of Brazilians are obese.
Need I say more?
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