Grandparenting tip for you, prevent poisoning your grandchild. Keep your grandchild safe and healthy. Do you want your grandchild diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder?) Do you want your grandchild placed on meds before the age of 6? This happened to my nephew!
I see children on a regular basis undergoing the same fate. In fact I read that one out of five American children is on meds for ADD! I'm sure you don't want your grandchild to become one of those statistics.
Disclaimer: The information presented is informational only. Please consult with baby's doctor before using any technique in this document. The entire content of this publication is based on research. It is for educational purposes only. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from research and experience of the author. No guarantees are given in any form by the author.
From month one through 11 parents and grandparents go to great lengths to protect the baby's health and to keep baby safe. So why is it that on the baby's first birthday, you begin the poisoning?!
You go out and buy or make the "birthday cake" and of course the ice cream has to be added. What is the cake without ice cream? I know it's tradition but you may not realize how dangerous these two products really are.
First of all they are loaded with sugar. Sugar has been listed as pure poison. It has no nutritional value and causes havoc in the body. Type 2 juvenile diabetes is on the rise, not to mention obesity. I just saw an article where an insurance company refused to insure a four month old baby because he was too fat. There have also been a lot of warnings in the news about sugar and its dangers.
The kids are becoming addicted to sugar when does it all begin? I blame the big first birthday party.
You must have been told a thousand times that sugar causes tooth decay. However that is not all that sugar is causing to rot. Read the book "Sugar Blues" by William Dufty to get the facts or even just search for sugar danger in your favorite search tool for the studies and reports.
As far as ice cream goes, visit - for some information that will make your hair curl. It has been suggested that milk could cause autism and ADD per research conducted by three scientist.
Ice cream is milk plus sugar (not to mention chemicals galore). Please don't get your grandchild started on this. My friend gives her two year old a plate of ice cream regularly and then wonders why her kid is always sick or has ear aches. Go figure.
Also, sugar causes the suppression of the immune system for at least five hours. So the body is not able to fight infection effectively. If your grandchild is ill every time you turn around (like my friends daughter) take a look at what you are giving your grandchild to eat and take note of the sugar content. Fresh fruit and veggies do not create this problem.
What to do instead. Have the cake and ice cream but just have the adults indulge. Create something healthy and cute for the baby to enjoy and for those birthday party pictures we all love to take.
Take great care in the things you give your grandchild to eat and drink. Take notice of what is going on right now regarding changes in what is served in the school cafeterias.
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