Pets & Animal Veterinary Medicine

What Are the Symptoms of Entropion in Dogs?

    • Entropion is an uncomfortable condition that affects a dog's eye image by Kavita from

      Entropion is a medical condition that occurs when a dog's eyelids roll inwards. According to Dr. Race Foster of Doctors Foster and Smith, entropion typically affects the lower eyelid, but in rare cases can include the upper eyelid as well. Entropion is often uncomfortable and can cause a variety of symptoms for a dog. Entropion can be resolved only with a veterinarian's care and can cause serious issues, including corneal damage, if left untreated.

    Eye Tearing

    • When the eyelid rolls inward, it often makes contact with the eye. Because of this, the eye may excessively tear, states Dr. Bari Spielman of the Pet Place Web site. Many owners are aware of the tearing because of the dark stains or wetness created. Typically, the stains will start at the inner corner of the dog's eye and reach down to the nose. If you notice tearing that occurs suddenly or that your dog's eye constantly appears wet, contact your veterinarian.

    Eye Redness

    • When entropion occurs, it often causes irritation in the eye. The eyelashes on the lids will touch the dog's eye, creating redness due to irritation. The redness will often appear throughout the eye, but can also be localized to one specific spot. The area around the eye can also appear swollen, as the irritation can cause inflammation.

    Eye Rubbing

    • Dogs with entropion will often rub or scratch at their eyes. This typically occurs because of the pain and discomfort entropion can cause. Pawing at the eye can actually cause further damage, as the dog may scratch the eye with his nail. Therefore, contact your veterinarian as soon as the dog displays this behavior to avoid unnecessary complications.

    Eye Discharge

    • Spielman states that a common symptom of entropion is discharge. The discharge is typically thick and contains mucous. Often the eyelashes and eyelids will bring bacteria into the eye, creating an infection, which causes the discharge.

    Vision Problems

    • The irritation, pain and inflammation entropion can cause may affect the dog's ability to see. You may notice the dog walking into things, closing her eye or squinting.

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