Home & Garden Green Living

Off The Grid Living Made Easy With Free Solar Energy

The sun is free source of renewable energy that can be tapped by solar systems to allow off the grid living for a change.
Solar energy has always existed.
The French scientist Horace de Saussine had constructed a free solar energy system with its top covered with glass and the inside painted pitch black.
It was called the "hot box" and functioned by absorbing the sun's rays that heated the air within the box.
Today's solar collectors work in the same way.
Solar energy is free, renewable, and does not cause pollution.
Currently, a solar water-heating system can account for 75% of your needs in the home.
Even though the source is free, producing solar energy is a costly process.
At an average, it may take around 15 years to make up the cost of installing a solar water heating system.
The article aims at providing some useful info available online that will show you how to best use free solar energy as cheaply as possible.
Solar panels are designed to use the sun's rays and convert it into electricity.
The sun has always been an excellent source of free energy that does not pollute the environment, and is not involved high running costs once installation is complete.
Free solar energy can be used with the help of a simple flat plate collector.
The unit itself comprises of a black-painted heat absorber insulated at the back and sides.
It is protected by a case.
The whole unit has a transparent cover that does not block the sun's rays.
Several innovative individuals have chosen to construct their own individual flat plate collector instead of buying it from a company at higher cost.
I had constructed several flat plate collectors meant to promote my off the grid living to install a hot water system in my home as well use the free solar energy to heat my swimming pool.
The absorber can be designed and constructed using any of the several materials available including copper, stainless steel, plastic, or aluminum.
Nevertheless, while choosing the absorber material, ensure that it matches all the other components used in the system in order to prevent corrosion.
A professional handyman can be consulted, if any doubts linger in your mind.
The variety of materials available to design and construct your absorber will depend on where you live and the maximum temperature reached in the area.
The plate design and tube need to have good thermal bond to ensure that maximum heat is transferred, once the system has been installed.
Paint the surface of the absorber black; however, you could opt for absorber coatings, as there is the possibility of absorbers emitting thermal radiation.
These coatings can be bought from the local hardware store.
The process involves submerging the absorber into a chemical mixture that creates a blackened surface.
I am satisfied with the result produced by using coatings, so I prefer to use them.
In order to use free solar energy with a flat plate collector, you have to cover it with glass or plastic to prevent heat loss and from weathering, especially due to rain.
I hope you have a great time building your free solar energy solar collector without ever having to worry if your off the grid living plans will ever materialize.

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