Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Aggressive Behavior Patterns in Dogs

Some dogs have an aggressive attitude right from day one-just as in human being between brothers and sisters of the same family, where one sibling is more aggressive than the others, in dogs the only difference is that genetically some breeds are known to more aggressive than others.

Smaller breeds of dogs that look gentle seem to have a habit of sniping at the heels of strangers rather than scaring them with a growl or bark as in the case of bigger dogs. Although the bigger the dog the more severe the damage it can do.

Basically this aggression comes out in the form of dominance and frustration that is built up inside. The frustration can be for a myriad of reasons. Not being fed properly, being tied up in hot weather or bad conditions for long periods without interaction with other humans, being beaten for misbehavior or even not being taken out for a regular stroll and enough exercise.

Aggressive habits in any breed become powerful when the owner does not provide enough attention to their dogs needs and negligence becomes a way of life. Like children they become sullen and introverts and when given a chance they take out the frustration by biting or destroying articles. In order to handle a dogâEUR(TM)s aggression it is very important right from the start that you as the owner establish certain ground rules as the leader of the pack. Bad behaviour is to be sternly put down by admonishing them verbally, never use physical force as that could have adverse reactions of putting the dog into a shell or worse still hating you even more. Good behavior is always rewarded with a hug or a treat biscuit or bone so that they understand the relationship between good and bad behavioural patterns.

Exercise plays a very important role in any dogs behavior. It is important that they be taken out at least once a day so that they can sniff at curious smells that they get from the road or park or see other dogs and human beings walk past them casually. This exercise also helps burn energy that if not done, becomes a pent up force that comes out when they come into contact with new visitors or other pets. Also giving them attention and keeps them feeling wanted, does not make them feel like social outcast who brood all the time and take out their frustration by biting or destroying house objects.

Some dogs naturally tend to become aggressive when they find an outsider approach their owner- it is their way of acting as a defender. In such circumstances they should be kept on a tight lead and admonished if the try to lunge and jump forward to the newcomer, then gradually pet them to calm them down. Usually by doing this the dogs come to understand that there is no danger to them or the owner and the visitor is not a harmful person. In case your dog is known to bite then put on a plastic muzzle when being taken out-this ensures that they donâEUR(TM)t bit anyone and at the same time they associate the muzzle with the fact they must be calm when taken out. Usually dogs will be curious of other humans who visit the house or when taken for a walk-if the dog tries to jump or lunge, turn its head away rather than forcible pulling the dog back as that increases their anger and aggression and makes them want to assert their dominance even further. In case these things do not seem to have any effect you may seek help of behavioral experts who can train the dog to avoid being overtly aggressive at home and outside.

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