Exergaming Looks Good in Theory
There are certainly studies that say physically active video games should keep you in shape. In 2007 the Mayo Clinic published a study showing that children who played active games got much more exercise than those who sat and watched TV, with dance games beating out walking a treadmill. Years later an associate professor at New York’s Union College found that seniors who rode an exercycle connected to a virtual reality program found had a greater cognitive improvement than seniors riding a normal exercycle.Another study showed that obese, inactive children who were given an EyeToy for the PS2 or PS3 showed improved BMI.
Exergaming Won’t Increase a Child’s Total Activity
In a four-month study of children ages 9 through 12, the American Academy of Pediatrics found that the group that played Wii games requiring a lot of movement got no more total exercise than the group who played games that only worked out their fingers. It was theorized that children who play the active games may simply balance out their workouts by being less active the rest of the time.
The Wii Fit is Not a Lot of Exercise, But It’s Better Than Nothing
A small study of women using the Wii Fit found the amount of exercise they got was the equivalent of a “brisk walk.” So if you never take brisk walks, Wii Fit may be a good idea. Another study, funded by Nintendo, claims that about a third of the games in Wii Sports and Wii Fit offer “moderate intensity” exercise.
Fitness Games Don’t Necessarily Offer the Best Wii Workouts
A study of people in their early 20s by the University of Wisconsin La Crosse Exercise and Health Program concluded that running and step aerobics in Wii Fit are far less exercise than actual running and step aerobics, and while they did offer some degree of exercise, it was not sufficient to “maintain or improve cardiorespiratory endurance.” Interestingly, an earlier study from the same place showed that Wii Sports is a better workout, perhaps because you move more when not forced to stand on the Balance Board. I’m not surprised; when I made a list of the best Wii Workout Games, I only included two fitness games.
Even If Wii Fit Offers a Mild Workout, You’re Going to Stop Using It
A small study by an associate professor at the University of Mississippi found that children did achieve “significant” aerobic fitness in a three month period, although had no other positive effects. But he also found that those who played Wii Fit for 22 minutes a day at first were averaging 4 minutes a day by the end. Still, the aerobic improvement in children sounds positive; I don’t why the study underplayed it.
Physical Therapists Love the Wii
While exergames may not be the best way to get in shape, they have proved to be very useful to physical therapists, who see in the Wii an inexpensive set of tools. A study found that seniors who worked with Wii Fit could improve the balance, while another study found the same was true when treating children recuperating from balance-affecting issues. The Wii can also be used to help Parkinson’s sufferers. The use of the Wii in “Wiihab” is quite popular; there’s even a blog devoted to it.