Impotence, or Erectile Dysfunction Disorder is a very common and widespread condition that affects 25% of senior men, but only sees 10% of that number come in and seek treatment.
There are no logical reasons why one would not speak to their physician about treatment options, but regardless here a few of those options will be examined.
Here are some of the top options me are resorting to when experiencing ED...
Medication, the most obvious answer to the question of impotence is certainly an effective solution, but one must first have an idea of what they want the full effect of their pills to be, and whether the side effects are manageable.
Of course in some cases this is the only option, but others may want to look into other options before committing to a regimen of eating pills.
These alternate treatment options can be as simple as getting more exercise and eating more raw, and healthy food.
Smoking also accounts for a large percentage of sufferers (85%) so if you are suffering from ED and still smoking, you may have found the problem.
Ginseng, Maca, Gingko biloba, and Kava Kava are all natural herbs that have been known to help impotence cases improve, and have none of the threatening side effects that always adorns the prescription bottle.
Last but not least important treatment option, acupuncture.
Some would swear that the effects after being administered the treatment are successful.
There is no scientific backing for the acupuncture argument, but still the placebo effect would still be significant.
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