Technology Programming

Requirements of a Content Management Systems


The Content Management System is an ultimate solution for creating, editing and modifying the content on the website. It allows the webmaster to manage, monitor and maintain a website without any technical expertise. CMS is the back-end of a website and is not visible to the visitors. It allows them to update content and attract visitors to your website.

Every webmasters has a different set of requirements. He should match his requirement with a CMS. Let's see some of the most common requirements expected from a content management system.

Effortless Installation process

Effortless and easy installation of a CMS is the demand of every webmaster. He always looks for hassle free and simple installation process. This will help him to set up a website according to his convenience and launch a website in a short span of time. So look out for a content management system which is not only easy to install, but also consumes minimum server resources.

Compatible with windows and Linux hosting

To establish and maintain the presence of the website, every webmaster requires a hosting service. There are two types of hosting service. One of them is Linux hosting service and the other one is Windows server hosting.

A webmaster may want to host his website on any of these hosting services. He may also require migrating from one server to another without affecting his website's performance. So it is very necessary for a content management system to be compatible with both windows and Linux server hosting services.

Content based requirements

A user lands up on the website in search of some information. The webpage should have relevant information which not only attracts users, but also the major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, etc.

A good content is always combined with some media files. They make the webpage presentable and add value to the content. So a content management system should allow the webmaster to manage content and media files like audio files, video files, RSS feeds, links, images, podcast, etc. Your CMS should allow you to combine media files and text in a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get Editor).

The specialty of this editor is that the format of the content written in this editor will be the final output of the web page.

Dealing with webpages

A page, which is displayed online, is known as a webpage. A website is a collection of all its webpages. So it is very important for a content management system to manage these webpages.

A promising content management system should have the ability to delete and modify the webpages. It should also have the capability to add various elements on the web page like widgets, poll, quiz, add comment forms, iframes, JavaScript, flash files, plug-ins and generate a user-friendly URL.

Customization of website

A webmaster needs a website according to his needs. A content management system should help him to customize the website according to his needs. These options should help him to create a presentable and a flexible website.

SEO-friendly CMS

Every website adopts online marketing strategy to promote their websites. They require an SEO-friendly content management system which can manage metadata, allows the webmaster to add heading tags, generate SEO-friendly URL, generate site maps and allows ALT tags.

Secure and Hacker-free CMS

Every component of a webpage, media file and codes needs to be hacker-free and secure. Every webmaster requires maximum security for his website.

An effective content management system should empower a webmaster to control all the permissions of the plug-ins. If data is lost, the website will lose its credibility and the users. So look out for a CMS which has strong security options.

Documentation, Community and Forums

A webmaster may not be aware of many features in a content management system. He may want to know the tips and tricks of using a CMS. So a content management system should have a clear documentation, an active forum and an interactive community. The documentation should be clear, simple and easy to follow.

Once you choose your content management system, we recommend you to go through their documentation, ask your queries in the community and forums. You can also view YouTube videos and learn from them. Make efficient use of a content management system and maintain your website.

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