If you want to make a lot of money online using banner advertising you are going to have to make sure you are focused on doing the right things before you launch your campaign so you can build the right foundation.
In this article I want to show you exactly what you need to do before you start buying ads in your niche market.
Step #1 - You have to make sure you are using a separate landing page for each site that you are buying ads from.
You want to make sure you are not using the same landing page for all your advertising.
If you focus on customizing the one you are using, you will be able to match it up to the ad that you are running and you will be able to get a lot more conversions.
Step #2 - You have to make sure you have your sales system setup the right way.
You don't want to launch your banner advertising campaign until you have a sales system that is working.
The reason that you don't want to launch your ads until your sales system is ready and working is because you need to make sure you are making a profit from the first day.
Once you buy your ads, you need to be making money or you will end up not being able to afford to renew the ad and you will lose all that traffic that you are getting to your site.
So make sure you have these two steps in place before you launch into this traffic source so you can build the best base and make the most profits possible.
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