The colon operates as a powerful waste storage area that helps the body to eliminate waste as well as toxins that can be extremely harmful.
The colon along with the rectum forms a part of the digestive tract.
Together, they comprise what is called the large intestine, situated within the abdomen.
Around 6 feet in length, it absorbs electrolytes and water, as well as nutrients that can be derived from the food that you consume.
The colon pushes out the waste material through the intestines into the rectum, for disposal.
The colon is comprised of two parts - the ascending colon and the distal.
The ascending colon absorbs the required nutrients, electrolytes and bile salts into the body.
The distal colon excretes the remaining waste from the body.
A number of disturbing problems are linked with a colon which is not functioning properly.
Colon cancer is one such serious problem - one which has shown a huge increase in the last few years.
Other problems such as constipation as well as hemorrhoids are due to the lack of fiber in a person's diet, which result in difficulty in releasing waste material from the body.
Another disturbing disorder is colitis, a gastrointestinal disease that is caused because of an inflammation that takes place in the colon's inner lining.
Bowel toxemia is yet another worrying condition that occurs when there is either inflammation or some type of swelling from within the colon because the colon contains bacteria or fecal matter.
Other smaller problems associated with colon disorders include acne, bad breath as well as spider veins.
Here are some quick tips to keep your colon healthy: *You would do yourself a favor for life by adopting a colon cleansing diet that is rich in intake of fresh fruits, water as well as vegetables.
The diet should also include nuts, seeds, wholesome grains, whole meal bread as well as flour and cereals.
It is best to eat more fresh, raw salads than cooked food.
*You should say no to all prepackaged meals, milk, junk foods, and even rice.
*Many years of poor dietary habits or a hectic lifestyle can have a cumulative negative effect on your digestive system.
The best solution would be for you to switch over to a diet that has lots of fiber as well as foods that work effectively as antioxidants.
* Studies show that people who eat fewer red meats and more vegetables have a lower risk of colon cancer.
*With regular exercise, your digestion should improve and so should your overall health.
*There are now many colon cleansing herbal remedies on the market.
These are usually taken 3 or 4 times a year and involve ingesting certain natural ingredients that expel built up waste that lines the walls of the intestines and the colon.
In addition to eliminating waste and bacteria that have attached to the colon's walls, the process of cleansing the colon restores the body's ability to thereafter ingest the nutrients required for proper health.
Consider these tips for keeping your colon healthy, follow a colon-friendly diet and consider a seasonal colon cleansing to ensure that you stay healthy.
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