More and more people are turning to natural ways to clear their tinnitus. Here, you'll discover some simple tips on how to clear tinnitus naturally without drugs, with their nasty side effects.
In our modern world of excessive noise, stress, anxiety, rushing about, etc., it is easy to see why millions of us are affected by tinnitus....
The condition known as tinnitus has sound symptoms in the ears that have been described as ringing, roaring, whooshing, hissing, ticking, clicking, humming, and so on; the sound you hear perhaps being related to the type of tinnitus you have and the underlying cause.
There are two types of tinnitus, subjective and objective tinnitus. The former is where the sufferer alone hears the noises in their ears. The latter is where a specialist can also hear what the sufferer hears by using a special instrument. Subjective tinnitus is the most common form, and is usually the less serious of the two.
Tinnitus has a number of potential causes; age-related hearing loss, noise damage, head / neck trauma, inner ear / auditory nerve damage, meniere's disease, middle / inner ear infections, stress, anxiety, sinus problems, allergies, ear wax, some long term medications (e.g. aspirin), etc.
When diagnosed, tinnitus is often treated using drugs such as antidepressants, lidocaine, anticonvulsants, antihistamines, and cardiovascular. But, of course, these can have some serious side effects that put people off them. And, they don't deal with the underlying causes. So many folks are searching for information on how to clear tinnitus naturally and safely.
But there are technical solutions such as bio-feedback, electrical stimulation, hearing aids and tinnitus maskers, etc. And other non-drug therapies are yoga, counselling, hypnosis, and even acupuncture. Talk to your doctor about their suitability for your particular case, and other natural options.
There are also very many natural herbal remedies that tinnitus sufferers are turning to help clear their tinnitus. These are herbs such as black cohosh, ginkgo biloba, lesser periwinkle, sunflower seeds, passion flower, fenugreek, spinach, and more. Talk to your local herbalist / health food store owner about these and other herbal solutions.
Alternatively, you could simply opt for an already proven home-based remedy with a very much better success rate than mainstream treatments. Based on 11 tried and tested unique techniques, it only takes a few minutes each day, and it's being successfully used by many tinnitus sufferers around the world as we speak.