Health & Medical Anti Aging

Colostrum - The Anti-Aging Miracle You"ve Never Heard Of

Bovine Colostrum is the "mother's milk" taken from dairy cows during the first 24 hours after calving.
The liquid is characterized by a high protein, immunoglobulin and antibody content, with immune and growth factors that are highly bio-available to humans.
Colostrum is one of the most important health-giving, disease-fighting and anti-aging superfoods ever discovered.
The life-supporting power of colostrum, backed by science is proving to be so beneficial to human health, even the main stream medical community is finally beginning to stand up and take notice.
Medical professionals who are recommending this all-natural substance, understand it is a naturally perfect combination of immune factors, growth factors, and other components all designed to encourage a vibrant, healthy body.
There are over 90 known components in colostrum.
The primary components, divided into two classes, are immune factors and growth factors.
Colostrum also contains a precise balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
All of these factors work together in perfect synergy to restore and maintain health.
Immune Factors in colostrum have been shown to help the body fight off harmful invaders such as viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus.
Each factor plays a specific role in our body's defense against these attackers.
In addition, colostrum contains over 20 antibodies to specific pathogens including E coli, salmonella, rotavirus, candida, streptococcus, staphylococcus, H pylori, and cryptosporidia.
In addition to immunoglobulins, medical studies show that PRP in colostrum also supports an under active immune system.
PRP also helps balance an overactive immune system present in autoimmune diseases.
Growth Factors help build and restore bone, muscle, nerve tissue, connective tissue, skin and cartilage.
These factors have also been shown to help increase lean muscle, help the body burn fat for fuel, and assist in wound healing.
Growth factors have also been shown to help slow the signs of aging! Colostrum's growth factors may: 1.
Affect the brain's mood regulating chemicals to brighten our moods.
(serotonin & dopamine) 2.
Assist in regeneration and improve normal growth of aged or injured muscle, bone, cartilage, skin collagen and nerve tissue.
Help burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting (diet), and build & retain lean muscle (non-diet).
Assist the internal regulation of blood glucose levels and "brain chemicals", supporting alertness and better concentration.
Repair our body's precious RNA and DNA and Accelerate healing of injury or trauma.
Research indicates that Colostrum can help: 1.
Support immune system function 2.
Combat bacteria and viruses 3.
Enhance skin and muscle rejuvenation 4.
Support joint and cartilage function 5.
Build lean muscle mass 6.
Metabolize (burn) fat 7.
Enhance mood 8.
Maintain healthy intestinal flora 9.
Increase strength and stamina With all of the powerful health giving benefits of colostrum, it's a supplements you'll want to try.

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