Volume Pills, an herbal medication designed to enhance semen volume and sperm count, have been used by thousands of men to increase their ejaculate amounts.
The ingredient list is not proprietary and consists of herbal supplements combined with a few other chemical compounds that have been used separately to treat a variety of different sexual disorders or to provide key sexual enhancements in men.
The availability of the ingredient list makes it easy to ascertain the safety of Volume Pills.
The pills consist primarily of herbal ingredients, many of which have no known side effects.
Here we will take a look at some of the components that men who are considering taking the pills will need to examine.
One of the active ingredients in Volume Pills is the seaweed known as Fucus vesiculosus, colorfully referred to as "bladder wrack".
Bladder wrack has been known to increase blood pressure in those who already suffer from certain forms of hypertension, so men who are already being treated for elevated blood pressure should consult a physician before use.
It is also not recommended by those who suffer from goiter or other hyperthyroid disorders.
Another ingredient is the extract of the Ku Gua fruit, also known as "bitter melon.
" Bitter Melon is eaten in many indigenous Asian cultures and has a very low instance of reported side effects.
However, some studies have indicated that bitter melon may serve to lower blood sugar in those who have sugar metabolism disorders.
Therefore, diabetics in particular should consult with a doctor before taking any medications that use bitter melon as an ingredient.
The ingredient list of Volume Pills is open and available for anyone to peruse.
Those who are considering taking the pills but have pre-existing health conditions should take a list of the ingredient with them to discuss possible interactions and side effects with their physicians.
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