Whether through miscommunication or misunderstanding, regardless of the network marketing program and what products are being sold, there will be individuals claiming everything is designed to help their business owners get rich while leaving the little guy out in the cold. It is not unusual for these complaints to surface, especially from those who have been unsuccessful in network marketing programs.
One of the confusing aspects of the company that may be perceived by some as not being forthright is the compensation plan. While the commission level is high for consultants, there are a few hoops they have to jump through in order to be eligible to be paid commissions. An individual does not have to join one of the programs to be eligible to begin selling the services. They can pay an annual registration fee of $149 and begin selling the services.
However, under this plan the first three sales will not generate any commission. The money will be paid for the person next up on the list. After the third sale they become eligible to begin earning the full commission at the consultant level. Additionally, while in the consultant level if a person signs up as a platinum member, the seller will only receive the portion of the commission earned at the consultant level. The balance of the commission will be paid to the next higher eligible person on the list.
In this regard many network markers do not feel comfortable with other people earning more than them on their efforts and see it as an attempt to practically force people into joining under the highest level, not really guaranteed that any sales will be made. Conference fees for consultants and others are also considered high by many standards according to members of many other high-end network marketing plans.
There is considerable confusion about the services being offered and in a majority of states a person has be licensed or at least certified to offer financial services for money. While the program on the companys main web site is clear that the services are presented by licensed professionals, some claim the recruited consultants are actually the ones providing the service.
With many complaints about any network marketing company, people are able to post any information they choose onto web sites. Typically, the information is false at best and meant to do hard to a companys reputation. Mostly generate by someone who did not have a thorough understanding of multilevel marketing or how a network program is actually used. The details of compensation plans are usually clearly stated in the program offering and if a person fails to understand them, it is not the companys fault.
However, anyone considering joining any network marketing plan they should make sure they fully understand how the program works, what its costs to be eligible for compensation and how much work is involved. A network marketing is a business and has to be treated as such in order for anyone to be successful in the industry.