Health & Medical Diabetes

Controlling Type 2 Diabetes With a Gluten Free Diet

Diabetics most definitely benefit from a gluten free diet.
This type of diet is a way of life for people suffering from diabetes as well as other diseases such as celiac, autism and many other diseases.
Many people especially diabetics have severe gluten sensitivities.
Many illnesses have been associated with gluten consumption and one out of every hundred has gluten intolerances.
People that suffer from infections such as diabetics develop this type of sensitivity.
Eating gluten free has helped people not only with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes but also diseases like celiac, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammation of the nervous system, peripheral neuropathies, anaemia, seizures and loss of balance.
What is a gluten free diet? Foods that contain gluten such as wheat, oats, rye, barley, pasta, cereal, beer and spelt should be avoided.
Many processed foods also contain gluten.
One can buy bread and pastas that are gluten free as well as many other products which can be obtained from most supermarkets and health outlets.
All fresh fruits and vegetables are gluten free as well as potato, rice, soy, and buckwheat and bean flour.
Farmers that grow grain increase the amount of gluten in their products because grain having a higher protein content fetches a higher market price.
However companies are aware of the fact that many people suffer from gluten intolerance are improving the taste of gluten free products.
Those that suffer from gluten intolerances can also opt for integrative manual therapy which helps with physical pain and loss of function as in diabetics as well as change their diet to gluten free diet as it has been noted recently that there is a gluten sensitivity epidemic.
It has also been noted that those with gluten sensitivity have deficiencies in manganese, zinc and chlorophyll as well as smooth and skeletal muscle weakness which are linked to the large intestine and gluten.
A gluten free diet will improve one's health all round and also ensures that more nutrients will reach areas that have already been damaged and will also help stabilize blood sugar levels in diabetics.
There have been positive results and diabetics have reported back that their symptoms were alleviated after a few weeks when they changed to a gluten free diet.
However it is important to remember that a diabetic patient should first discuss any and all diet plan with their primary medical practitioner or dietician.

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