Fish oil, thanks to its rich omega 3 fatty acid content, is capable of bringing the body a multitude of health benefits.
Among these health benefits include better heart health, protection against certain threatening diseases, enhanced focus and mind function, and alleviation from inflammation and pain.
Aside from these, it is also known to promote healthier blood pressure levels.
In fact, those with high blood pressure will notice significant improvements with daily intake of this supplements.
High blood pressure, known medically as hypertension, can be caused by several factors.
These factors include weight, the diet you lead, your activity level, age, stress, alcohol consumption, heredity and lifestyle.
Generally, the higher the fat and cholesterol content in your arteries and blood stream brought about by these factors, the higher your risk is for developing high blood pressure.
There are many research studies which attest to the effectiveness of this supplement in countering BP problems.
Although the real connection between fish oil and BP lowering is still unknown as of the moment, it is believed that it helps in two ways: 1.
First, omega 3 fatty acids in it are seen to have anti-coagulant effect.
The essential fatty acids can thin out the blood to improve blood circulation and prevent build-up in the arterial walls.
The omega 3 fatty acid EPA, has been established to produce anti-inflammatory chemicals known as eicosanoids.
These chemicals also help thin out the blood so that it can be pumped and distributed efficiently throughout the body, without pressure onto the heart.
High blood pressure puts you at risk for developing the condition called atherosclerosis.
This happens when the arteries narrow down and harden due to fat and cholesterol build-up.
Omega 3 fatty acids in it can reduce inflammation caused by such build-up and thereby reduces the risk for contracting this cardiovascular problem.
Proven by Clinical Tests Various clinical tests have been done to prove the connection between fish oil and BP lowering.
A study in Harvard Medical School and in John Hopkins have established a total of 48 trials, which all consistently prove that it lowered both systolic and diastolic readings.
Those who have hypertension reported even more significant improvement in blood pressure levels.
If you combine supplementation with it, with other improvements in diet and lifestyle, your blood pressure will surely lower for good.
Bear in mind though that taking very high amounts of this can be detrimental as well.
High amounts will cause the blood to thin out excessively, and can put you at risk for increased bleeding should unexpected circumstances occur.
It is then very important to consult your physician as to the proper dosage of this supplements.
Yes, it does lower blood pressure.
If you currently suffer from or are at a risk for hypertension, it is your best step towards better heart health.