- 1). Find a photo of a subject that interests you or a photo that captures your attention. Decide on a 2 inch by 2 inch area of the photo that you want to use as the subject of the drawing. You may want to crop the photo or use a frame of paper to block off everything but the section of the photo you have chosen to reproduce.
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Blow the 2 inch by 2 inch photo section up on a copier and transfer the basic outline on to a piece of paper with a pastel. Use a color for the outline that will be in the drawing. If you don’t have a copier available you can enlarge it on the paper by hand. - 3). Study the section of photo you want to draw and decide on an element you want to exaggerate or emphasize. Keep this idea in mind as you draw. Set the photo aside and draw from your memory or imagination from this point.
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Exaggerated color
Fill in the basic shapes you have drawn. At the point you may want to exaggerate the color and simplify the detail. Pastels look best when worked. This is the bottom layer of color. It needs to be filled in with layering and detail. Blend the colors with a paper towel or your finger. - 5). Over top of the basic colors add a second or third layer of color. This gives the areas a smoother look. Adding a lighter or darker color over your basic color allows you to blend areas together.
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On top of the blended and worked areas add detail. At this point in the drawing you may want to draw a pattern or design to add interest. Keep in mind that that repetition of color, line and shape helps hold a work of art together. Draw until you are satisfied with your results.