Travel & Places Specialty Travel

Biological Effects of Ecotourism


    • As people visit and learn about native and endemic plants, they learn to appreciate and converse it.
      The more people that walk through a natural habitat, however, the more various plants and flowers will be destroyed.


    • Seeing and learning about animals in their natural habitats is invigorating and a motivating factor for promoting conservation, but lodging construction for ecotourism can degrade the very habitat that is drawing tourists.


    • Awareness of the various biomes and diverse balances in ecosystems promote environmental awareness.
      Conversely, as habitats are degraded from increased tourism, ecological balance is destroyed.


    • Learning how other peoples live can have a lasting impact on a traveler's world-view and appreciation of diversity.
      On the other hand, exposure to wealthy consumer societies can damage local cultures and norms.

    Sustainable Practices

    • Hotels and agencies can promote best-practices, like using safe cleaning products and alternative energy.
      But on the whole, building and maintaining an ecotourism structure is inherently unsustainable for the biological (cultural, flora and fauna) components of the community.

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