80 % of guys want to make their erection bigger, and most of them turn to pills, which is unfortunate, because we all know they're a scam.
I'm going to discuss three of the most important things that you must know about penis enlargement.
The #1 Thing You Must Know Pills DO NOT work.
I don't care what they say, and what they promise, they will NEVER make your erection bigger, and you'll understand why when we discuss natural enlargement shortly.
In short, please don't waste your time and energy on these pills.
They're full of absolute junk! That is, random herbs and supplements that are in no way approved or even overseen by the FDA.
This means that they are free to put whatever they want in these pills without any clinical testing.
It's a free-for-all! The #2 Thing You Must Know Penis exercises, or a natural way of working out the penis, are the only real solution to your penile woes.
You can actually use your hands to target very specific parts of your penis- the parts that determine how long and thick you are.
The process is simple and you use your hands to hold and then work out your manhood by applying very consistent pressure at the important penile tissues.
Your penile tissues MUST be physically enlarged in order for you to get bigger, and this is why pills don't work.
The process if painless and simple, and can produce results within two weeks.
The #3 Thing You Must Know Penis exercises are the only legitimate way to get longer and thicker.
Your results are permanent, and the process is painless and simple.
You can try everything else there is, but if you're serious about getting bigger, then do these exercises.
You'll never look back.
They WILL make you bigger.
It's guaranteed.
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