- 1). Set up a text message on your phone.
- 2). Address the message with the Twitter short code where you would type in the contact or phone number for a text message. The Twitter short code is the "phone number" for Twitter. For U.S. users, it's 40404. For a list of other short codes, refer to the web site in the Resources section.
- 3). Type the letter "d" at the beginning of your text message. Leave a space and then type out the username of the person you want to send a DM to. For example: d JohnDoe.
- 4). Leave another space and then write out your message. For example: d John Doe Hi, how are you?
- 5). Send your message to the short code you entered. The user will be able to read his message from his phone, smart phone or through Twitter's web site.
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