Growing fresh vegetables is a passion that many people indulge in.
It is not some hobby that can be disregarded because vegetable growers take it very seriously.
Some people can grow any kind of vegetable in their gardens, while others have to work very hard to get a small yield.
If you are planning on having a fresh supply of vegetables from your garden, then here are some tips that will help you prevent some of the most common mistakes that novice vegetable growers make.
Select the location for your vegetable garden carefully.
It should get ample sunlight as vegetable plants need quite a bit of sunlight in order to grow and produce vegetables.
Check out the spot where you intend to grow the vegetables.
See what time of the day the place gets maximum sunlight.
Accordingly select the spot.
Once the location for the garden has been selected, it is time to select the kind of vegetables you want to grow.
As a novice vegetable grower, opt for vegetables that are easy to grow, such as cucumber, tomato, pepper, carrot, cabbage, radish and beet.
Make sure when planting the plants, there is sufficient space between individual plants, so that you can access each plant.
The space is required to do the weeding and preventing the plants from growing onto one another.
Then check out the soil.
The soil should be replete with nutrients.
Before beginning the planting process, remove all the growing weeds and stones.
Use a tiller to aerate the soil.
Then add some compost or any other organic matter into the soil.
Do not use chemical fertilizers.
The compost will help to improve the texture of the soil and improve the drainage.
Buy seeds in packets from the local nursery.
Make sure the packets have proper instructions on how to plant the seeds and take care of the seedlings.
Follow the instructions carefully.
Once the seeds sprout and the seedlings come out to the surface, watering has to be done with utmost care.
If you are living in a hot climate, water the seedling either early mornings or after the sun sets.
If you water any other time, the water will evaporate and the plant will not be able to get access to it.
In case the soil does not retain the moisture, you can rectify this problem by adding mulch to the soil.
Once the vegetables start growing, keep a close eye on them.
Remove any pests you see manually.
In case this is not possible, use organic pest control.
The moment the vegetables are ready, you should harvest them.
This will help the plants to give a better yield and you will have a steady supply of vegetables.
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