Fairs and exhibitions are a great way to gain exposure for a new product.
If you are marketing a new product to a niche market you are probably considering making the rounds of the specialty exhibition circuit.
If this type of promotion is new to you, a few tips on making the most of your product display can help your product stand out from your competition.
Exhibiting your products at fairs and exhibitions is an economical way to use your advertising budget compared to the cost of print ads in national magazines.
It's also an effective way to get out into the field to evaluate your targeted market niche and meet potential customers.
Consider using photos to canvas artwork in your display booth.
A photo on canvas attracts attention and is not expensive.
To make the most of any exhibition experience there are a few things to consider before committing to participation in an exhibition: Be sure you and your product are ready for public scrutiny.
Make all trials, test runs, and quality checks well in advance of a scheduled fair.
Attend the trade fair or exhibition you are considering, not as a participant but as a visitor.
Take special note of the two or three booths that draw your immediate attention.
Check which booth locations attract the most traffic and those making the best use of space.
Prepare your advertising materials well in advance of the exhibition.
Start planning your photos to canvas subjects by taking quality digital photographs of your products being used or in detailed close ups.
If your budget is limited, here are a few tips to get the most for your money in designing and building a portable display unit: Plan a modular design that will be easy to transport and assemble without special equipment or extra manpower and versatile enough to use in most display spaces.
Photo to canvas artwork is easy to store and move.
Use recycled materials or raw materials that are sturdy yet light weight to minimize transport costs.
Photo to canvas artwork is lightweight and long lasting.
Make every surface of your display a space to advertise or demonstrate your product.
A large photo on canvas print of your product serves as an advertisement, an easy-to-move space divider, and an eye-catching design feature to draw customers to your booth.
One of the most effective and least expensive ways to draw attention to your booth and maximize its impact is the use of photos on canvas.
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