No one likes to come to the end of the month and have nothing to show for it.
After the bills have been paid, we wait until the next paycheck and do it all over again.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Here are tips to learn how to cut your debt, have more money at the end of the month, cancel interest cost and accelerate your wealth.
If you ask a person how much money they would need to feel comfortable, they likely wouldn't be able to tell you an exact amount.
Most of us want to have enough for peace of mind.
We want to be able to provide for our family, have money in the bank, and know that we won't be bankrupt if the car breaks down or someone gets sick.
One way to ensure that is to create a debt-free plan.
It is hard to build wealth with debt hanging over our heads.
To stop living paycheck to paycheck we need to use our paycheck in a different way.
It may seem impossible now, but each step will now be leading you out of debt.
A budget is the first step.
It is hard to see what can be eliminated from our spending if we don't know what we are spending.
Budgeting is a scary word for keeping track of our finances.
Write down your expenses and your income.
Most of us are already spending more than we bring in.
Though, one of the keys to building wealth is to have more money coming in than going out.
Even if as little as $50 per month, the rule of thumb is to create more discretionary income by spending less than you make.
Decide what can be eliminated.
If you eat out for lunch every day, start carrying your lunch to work.
Packing lunch for the kids stops them from buying costly meals at school.
Take on some of the jobs that you would typically hire out for.
Teach the kids to mow the lawn.
Designate one Saturday a month as "clean the entire house from top to bottom" day instead of using maid service.
Now let's have a look at those credit card bills.
Paying the minimum won't cut it.
At that rate you will be paying them off until you are eighty years old.
Start with the small amounts and work your way through them.
Pay the minimum for all except that one.
Pay larger sums to eliminate your debt one card at a time.
Speaking of eliminating debt, what is the biggest debt we take on as everyday hard working consumers? You've guessed it, a mortgage note! To cancel interest cost on your debt, accelerate your wealth and have your money working for you, establish a Money Merge Account.
With this interest cancellation system, as your money sits in your account waiting for you to pay bills, your money is working for you instead of lenders.
Taking the first step to make a commitment to get started may get hard.
Tell yourself that this is all for a good cause.
By the time you've left easy street, bypassed hard street and hit skid-row, it will be harder to pull yourself above water.
So make a commitment and take action.
Once the credit cards are paid off, hide them away to be used for emergencies only.
Don't close them.
That may count against your credit rating.
Little by little you will gain control over your finances and with it will come the peace of mind you have been seeking.
Eventually, there will be more money at the end of the month than you can imagine.
You have shown yourself that you can live happily without the extra things you were spending money on before.
Funnel that money into a Money Merge Account and/or certificate of deposits or mutual funds.
It is time that the money you worked hard to save does some work for you.
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