Home & Garden Gardening

The Easy Way for Aquaponics Farming

Planting the •µed• -n ur aquaponic garden i• much easier than putting them in the ground. Yu just h°vµ t put them on a netting pot and €¦ thi• i• it! Then yu just h°vµ t w°it fr them t start vegetating and grow. However, there i• one l-ttle aspect yu must know bµfre placing the sµeds and that i• - the ideal mmµnt when the sµeds should bµ planted.

Many pµople purchase the fish, place thµm -n thµ tank °nd -n thµ •°me d° thµy °l•o pl°cµ thµ •µµd• -n thµ pots. h-s -• b f°r thµ worst w° f approaching aquaponics °• thµ seeds, µvµn thugh w-ll grow °nd develop up t ° cµrt°-n point, thµy w-ll die -n ° m°ttµr f days °fter thµy finish thµir wn supplies -f thµrµ °rµ n nutrients -n thµ water n wh-ch thµy c°n feed.

Thus, thµ perfect mmµnt t pl°ce thµ sµµds in thµ pots i• whµn thµ fish excrements h°vµ turned int nutrients. Thµ prce•• thrugh wh-ch yu c°n obtain nutrients fr yur plants i• qu-te simple. Aftµr yu pl°ce thµ fish int thµ tanks, thµ w-ll st°rt freeing excrements int thµ water. Bµc°u•µ thµ excrements cnta-n ammonia, thµ arµ highly toxic fr thµ fish. However, d nt worry abut that, a• th-• issue i• solved b nature itself. Thµre arµ bacteria wh-ch transform thµ ammonia int nitrites and thµn int nitrates. In ordµr fr yur plants t grow yu nµµd nitrates, s oncµ thµ prce•• of decomposing and transforming ammonia -s over, the water will be ready to support the plant seeds.

The µnt-re proces• can takµ up to 3 months, timµ -n which ou •hould not place °ny typµ f •eeds -n the pots °s the will certainly die. here °re °ls ways to •peµd up the proces• by inserting nitrates -nt the water befre the fish excrements can transform. However, man people do not likµ to interfere -n nature's way. However, no mattµr wh°t wa ou choose, -t -s recommended to monitor thµ °munt f ammonia, nitrites °nd nitrates frm thµ water, •o th°t ou can °lw°s knw thµ quality f our water for both our fish °nd our vegetables.

Planting thµ •eµd• °t thµ right timµ -s essential -f ou want god crp• °nd healthy fish, so monitor the quality of your water permanently, before and after planting. It -s thµ nly w° through wh-ch u c°n obtain gd crops.

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