I have a good friend that I have known since Junior High School.
And, as long as I have known him and we have been friends, he has always been impatient when it came to him wanting/needing something.
He has never been the kind of person to get at the end of the line and patiently wait his turn.
He gave up going to Disneyland as a youngster because of the lines.
If there was a way to get out of the line or to the front of it without causing a fight, he would do it.
He was, and is, what we now commonly refer to as "Type A".
Type A people are those that we have come to understand as people who are always "working.
" And by that, I don't only mean they only spend long hours at work, although that's a common feature of the type, but they are always looking for ways to be more efficient, save time, move faster and, in a nutshell, win.
They are notoriously competitive people in every (or at least most) area of their lives.
Often, they are characterized as hard driven or hard driving people, but they don't spare themselves in that process.
Imagine the stress one would feel with always pushing themselves along with everyone else around them! The kind of stress that Type A people tend to live in certainly affects the physical state of their bodies.
Good actors will often state that even when one is pretending to be stressed out or in danger, the body reacts as though its reality.
The body doesn't differentiate between fantasy and reality when its told that there is a need for maximum adrenaline.
And all that bathing the body in adrenaline has a toll on the heart.
The heart gets worked daily with that adrenaline bath and over time can be seriously stressed to the point that heart disease becomes a major factor for a Type A personality.
One thing that is commonly suggested by doctors for Type A personalities is exercise! With the constant bath of adrenaline that is biologically meant to be a fuel for short term muscle exertion, Type A people often waste that energy as they are not in a true fight or flight scenario.
Exercise helps to burn off that excess adrenaline, which can cause heart damage over time when its not depleted.
If a Type A does increase physical activity, one of the things they might consider is taking supplements that reduce the 'free radicals' that occur when they exercise.
Those are, essentially, waste products that occur when energy is expended red blood cells are oxidized.
The elements that reduce this kind of damage are called 'Antioxidents'.
One of the best naturally occurring antioxidants may, in fact, be Glutathione.
Glutathione occurs naturally in the body, but you may benefit your body with an additional dietary supplement of the substance.
If you are considering taking on some supplements to combat hypertension, you surely should learn more about Glutathione and Glutathione enhancers like MAXGXL.