Extensive scientific research conducted in the field of cellular biology over the past ten years has already proved that genes do not cause disease, but are, in fact, influenced and altered by changes in the environment, from the very first moments in the mother's womb to the last moments in a person's adult life.
Cellular biologists now recognize that the conditions and occurrences in the external surroundings and internal physiology, and more importantly, our perception of the environment, directly control the activity of our genes.
Along these lines, one type of gene that plays a role in normal cell growth, an oncogene, can be altered by its environment, the cell's internal terrain and surroundings, to contribute to the uncontrolled growth of a tumor.
Oncogenes affect the way cells use energy and multiply.
For example, in some cancers, the ras gene (an oncogene) mutates, and produces a protein that stimulates cells to divide prematurely.
It is important to understand that genes do not mutate because they become "bored" with being "normal" or because they want to become malignant.
Rather, they are left with no other choice but to mutate, which allows them to survive a hostile, toxic "tumor milieu" that has been created by factors other than genetic ones.
A tumor-milieu, a cell environment that is poorly oxygenated and highly acidic, is the ideal medium to favor the growth of cancer cellsand the microorganisms found in cancerous tumors.
As difficult as this may be to come to terms with, defective genes cannot be the cause of cancer.
It is a fact that millions of people with defective genes will never develop the diseases these defects are supposed to cause.
You can actually remove the nucleus of a cancer cell, and yet for several weeks or months the cell will continue to live and behave in exactly the same abnormal way as before.
"Silencing" is the word used to describe a process by which environment and behavior regulate gene expression and environmental switches activate cancer.
Genes comprise a complex blueprint that is constantly adapting to external changes or influences.
Genetic blueprints are not capable of causing or perpetuating diseases.
If they were, the cell would malfunction or die as soon as you removed the genes, which are contained in the nucleus, from the cell.
To repeat, a healthy cell continues to live perfectly normally for weeks on end, even if the genes are not present.
Your DNA's only activity is to make a copy (RNA) of itself and to use this copy (of the genetic codes) to produce the many different proteins needed for the numerous functions and processes in the body.
To understand what cancer really is, we have to understand this important fact: The blueprint (genetic code of the cell) changes in an abnormal way only when the information delivered to the cell via its external environment invokes a continuous stress response within the cell.
What does this mean in practical terms? Each cell in the body is capable of producing adrenaline and other stress hormones, and it does so when you experience an external or internal threat that requires a "fight or flight" response.
The threat could consist of any number of influences, such as food additives like Aspartame and MSG; an antibiotic or steroid drug; crossing a busy highway; the fear of facing an angry spouse or authority figure; or a profound sense of insecurity.
Under the influence of the secreted stress hormones, normal cell functions are undermined.
In fact, the genetic blueprint (DNA) receives distorted information that, in turn, alters the cell's genetic behavior.
Consequently, the DNA's production of natural chemicals, such as the anti-cancer drug Interleukin II and the anti-viral drug Interferon, begins to drop instantly and significantly.
The cell's health and defensive capabilities are seriously compromised if the threat or stress persists over a period longer than just a few minutes or hours.
(This kind of stress is a daily reality for millions of people in today's world.
) Cells cannot fulfill their normal responsibilities when "under siege" for days, months, or even years.
Allopathic medicine has a name for this normal response by cells under prolonged stress: "chronic disease" When the body ingests a harmful medical drug (all drugs contain poisons and are, therefore, injurious to the cells), or is exposed to such stressors as constant negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, or behaviors, insufficient nourishment, inadequate amounts of sleep, lack of sun exposure, dehydration, or toxins, this will alter the behavior of all its 60-100 trillion cells.
Cancer occurs when cellular balance is threatened and the cell has to take recourse to more extreme measures of defending or protecting itself.
The weakest cells are affected first.
Genetic mutation from a normal cell to a cancer cell is merely a normal survival response to a threat that prevents the cell from doing its job according to the body's original genetic blueprint.
The possibility that cancer is a survival mechanism has never been considered in the past and is not part of the cancer discussion today.
This has had and still has, to this day, fatal consequences.
Not too long ago, expert scientists believed that the Earth was flat and stationary.
After all, they saw with their own eyes that the sun "fell off" the horizon every evening and "rose" again every morning, although on the opposite side.
This indisputable "truth" was difficult to root out because it was a phenomenon that the masses witnessed each and every day.
They knew well that the entire natural world depended on sunrise and sunset, the cycles of day and night.
Little did they realize that what their eyes saw so clearly was not what was actually occurring.
Today, we only smile at such a notion of ignorance.
Yet, with modern diseases and cancer, specifically, we are living by the same old myths handed down to us from generation to generation.
Are we not also falling into the trap of blindly believing what other people have accepted as their subjective, personal truth? "But today it is different," you may argue, "because we have objective, verifiable scientific research to prove what is real and what is not.
" I may have to disappoint you here.
First, almost all scientific research studies are actually based on the subjective ideas, feelings, and thoughts of the scientist conducting the experiment.
Second, the research is subjected to an almost infinite number of possible and often highly variable influences that can alter the outcome of the experiment in several unpredictable ways.
Third, science rarely finds anything that it did not expect to find.
Researchers tend to research something they subjectively feel is worth investigating.
The purpose of their research is merely to fulfill the expectations they already have about the outcome of the experiment.
If you are looking for something you subjectively expect to be true, you are likely to find objective proof for your assumption.
When genetic scientists proposed that genes control the body and behavior, they developed the Human Genome projectto prove exactly that hypothesis.
Paid for by the pharmaceutical companies, these scientists had just one major objective: they had to fulfill the expectations of the big pharma conglomerate to patent genes for new, expensive "breakthrough" treatments that generate vast amounts of wealth.
Nowhere do they mention the proven biomedical fact that genes do not control anything.
The genes' only function and purpose are to reproduce cells.
How genes do that largely depends on you and what you expose yourself to.
In fact, all genes in your body are controlled by the cells' environment and its influences, including your personal perceptions and beliefs.